Season 3, Episode 13 -
Magical Mystery Cure
The Fix is created by Bronyland member Gold N Retriever
This post will be rather different from all the other posts on the Fix, as I have included my opinion on the whole Princess Twilight Sparkle deal (at the end of this post) and I have excluded the lyrics (those are in another post). Let’s begin…
A Taste
It all starts with Twilight singing “Morning in Ponyville”, a song about how everything is going to be okay in Ponyville because it is a quiet, little town. She gets interrupted at the climax with a splash of water. She begins scolding Rainbow Dash for the douse, but she sees Rarity is controlling the weather, and having a hard time doing so. She also notices that Rarity has Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark. “Something tells me everything is not going to be fine.”
The Fix
She asks Rarity what happened to her cutie mark, but Rarity says she’s doing what it says she should do. She then makes a checker board of out the clouds and sky. Twilight asks why Rainbow Dash isn’t there.
Spike and Twilight arrive to Fluttershy’s cottage, to which Rarity said it was Rainbow Dash’s. Indeed, Rainbow Dash is there, having troubles with the animals. The song “What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me” begins here. As the song progresses, it goes through each and every pony, expressing that they are having issues with what they must do, but they should do it, according to their cutie mark.
Fluttershy is shown having troubles with making ponies smile, showing her what she means in front of a crowd. Pinkie Pie tells Twilight that she has issues because she has so many jobs, it overwhelms her. Pinkie is seen trying to raise Sweet Apple Acres herself, but she can’t even fix a water chute. Applejack is trying to make a dress, but it turns out terrible. She tells Twilight that it isn’t much but she needs help. Rarity is seen controlling the weather, but makes another checkerboard in the sky. She tells Twilight that she likes weather patterns, but the rest don’t and are suffering for it. They all make the point that it’s what their cutie mark says they should do.
Twilight arrives at the library, full of concern. Spike asks why and Twilight tells him she cast a spell. Last night (during Spike’s bubble bath), she had received a package from Princess Celestia, stating that there is an unfinished spell from Star Swirl the Bearded. She cast a spell to see what it could do, but she didn’t notice anything, until now, realizing that her friend’s cutie marks were switched from the Elements of Harmony. Spike suggests ideas (that worked on different occasions), but Twilight says this is about their true selves. Twilight blames herself for changing her friends’ destinies. Twilight then questions what she has done in a song: “I’ve Got to Find a Way.”
Spike cheers Twilight up so she will find a way to fix this. Twilight agrees and later has a eureka moment, saying that she may not be able to remind them of who they are, but she can show what they mean to each other.
Fluttershy is preparing to leave Ponyville when Twilight stops her. She tells Twilight she was going to move back to Cloudsdale because she can’t make ponies laugh. Twilight tells her that Rainbow Dash needs her help with the animals. Fluttershy does not remember about her skill with the animals, but agrees to help because Rainbow Dash is a true friend.
They arrive at Fluttershy’s (Rainbow Dash’s) cottage. The animals have tied down Rainbow in a cauldron, prancing around. Fluttershy tells the animals kindly to stop what they’re doing and have a little snack, which works. Fluttershy then realizes this is who she is and Twilight snaps on the Element of Harmony she represents, giving Fluttershy an “instant replay” of her life and true talent. Then, she gains back her cutie mark. Twilight is excited and decides to do this with all her friends. “A True, True Friend” begins, and plays throughtout subsequent scenes and is about how true friends must help each other.
They free Rainbow Dash from her trap and escort her to Rarity, who is still having troubles with the weather. Rainbow rediscovers herself as she clears the sky. Later, Rainbow escorts Rarity to the boutique, where Applejack has issues in making dresses. Rarity helps Applejack and rediscovers her true self. Rarity then escorts Applejack to Pinkie Pie, and the troubled farm. Applejack, with the help of the Apple family, recover the farm (and herself). Applejack finally takes Pinkie to the angry citizens of Ponyville and tells her to cheer them up, which is successful and everyone is pleased. The song ends when they happily reunite after parading.
A mark of one’s destiny, singled out alone, fulfilled.
A mark of one’s destiny, singled out alone, fulfilled.
Twilight has another eureka moment as she states she has found the way to fix the spell. They all gather at the library, where she finishes the spell in Star Swirl’s journal.
From all of us together, together we are friends, with the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!
Upon placing the period, Twilight’s element begins glowing and all of a sudden, the other’s elements blast Twlight with a beam. All that is left is are ashes, in the shape of Twilight’s cutie mark.
Twilight reappears in a magical void. Princess Celestia appears as well. Twilight asks what she just did, and Celestia tells her she has done what Star Swirl couldn’t do and that she is ready to fulfill her own destiny. This is sung by Celestia. (“Celestia’s Ballad”). Another flash of magic carries Twilight back to her friends in Ponyville.
Twilight then makes her appearance before them… with wings. Her friends comment about it until Fluttershy mentions she looks like a princess. Celestia flies down and says she is one. All are in shock, especially Pinkie Pie. She tells Twilight that by displaying charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and leadership, she has shown she is ready to become a true princess.
A coronation is done later on, commemorating Princess Twilight Sparkle. Twilight makes an entrance as a choir of ponies sing “Behold, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The three alicorns (and Shining Armor) later congratulate Twilight, and Celestia tells her to make her first speech. Twilight is grateful for having friends. Lastly, Twilight and the rest of her friends parade, Twlight singing “Life in Equestria” (a reprise to “Morning in Ponyville”).
The Gold N Touch
This was the Season 3 Finale that many Bronies have waited for, several of them since last year. Basically, this episode presents us how one of Twilight’s careless mistakes ends up being a big help to solving an enigma that even the great Star Swirl the Bearded couldn’t solve: the magic of friendship (believe it or not). Twilight, after achieving such a task, is elevated to a higher status of being (an alicorn).
Time to point out odd details… What I find strange is that all of her friends, upon getting a different cutie mark, they are simply terrible at what talent they should be. This is the opposite to that of “The Cutie Pox”, where Apple Bloom is an expert of all the cutie marks she obtained. Another one… Shining Armor called Twilight by her name, rather than “Twily”. Is it the new respect for Twilight’s new status? Oh, the dress Twilight wears on the coronation ceremony, Rarity made that. Last one, how is Pinkie Pie that bad at farming? And why doesn’t the Apple Family help? The crops of Sweet Apple Acres wilt in one day. Wow. Or maybe Rarity killed them off with her weather patterns… which by the way transforms Ponyville into “the chaos capital of the Equestria.” And Pinkie isn’t there to cheer them up.
My first impression of the episode… whatever Pinkie did with the glass of water. Later impressions include but are not limited to some disappointment, a new favorite song (Celestia’s Ballad), way-to-go-hero shouts, ooohh-that-explains-the-book-in-the-Crystal-Empire remarks, among other things. Now that I have written the Fix, I also felt that the episode has been rushed. It should have been a two-parter. It was kind of hard to get it the first time around, especially if there is a lot less plot and more singing.
Anyway, this has been SEASON THREE. I wonder what they have come up for SEASON FOUR, as they await some financing to do it… until then…
(There’s still more to the post though.)
Extra Stuff
Alright. I too have things to say about the whole deal of Twilight being Princess and all. Of course, most of what I’ll say would be a repeat of what my friend Quillo has stated, I want to tell you all what I feel in my own words. I will just state what I have to state and I’ll let you be the one to take a side on this…
I have noticed that some have taken the idea of Alicorn Twilight as a bad sign for MLP’s doom. Many Bronies and Pegasisters consider that Twilight becoming Princess is the first sign to the downfall of the show, also speculating that MLP is running out of ideas on what to do.
Let me tell you one thing…
MLP states that this is just the first part to the entire story of this generation. We basically saw how Twilight develops into what she has now become: an alicorn. We still have yet to experience the nitty-gritty of the whole thing.
Which means…
There is more where that came from! And I will once again quote what Quillo said just to make my point… “Alicorn Twilight is not the end of the world, so GROW UP YOU PRETENTIOUS F(illy)!”
(I also felt like saying that, mind you)
Let’s see… my first impression that Twilight is becoming a Princess is “I saw that coming.” Why not? Once I pondered over the that fact, I wondered how everyone else would act. I came in to the whole Brony thing just before “A Canterlot Wedding” (making me a late Brony). I saw Cadence as just another character. It wasn’t until I realized that there were only TWO alicorn characters, no more. I suppose it seemed obvious that everyone had a reaction to Princess Cadence’s appearance, by human nature. It is happening again with Princess Twilight Sparkle. Either you’re against it or you’re cool with it.
Seriously? Why all the hate against alicorn Twilight (and those who like alicorn Twilight)? If you don’t like it, don’t go on any further with being a Brony because being a good Brony should accept ideas with good potential and respect (at least to my point of view). Alicorn Twilight will still be the Twilight we know… she’ll just look aesthetically different (aka “a new flying buddy” for RD). Even MLP says that Twilight being Princess really does not change her role in the story, but she will have new stuff that wouldn’t have come without her being Princess (who knows what that’ll be). Come to think about it… Twilight’s last words were “Yes! Everything’s going to be just fine!”
There is one other thing about this Alicorn Twilight deal, and that is to those depressive Bronies out there. That is the idea of that Twilight outliving her friends and all the depression that comes with it. My reaction: You’re thinking way too far ahead in time and you’re overthinking this whole deal. Don’t go any further than the present… It just depresses everyone else.
I suppose I said everything about how I reacted to Alicorn Twilight (at least the abbreviated version). Let me end this discussion (at least my side… you all get to comment) with two phrases:
If the empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected across all of Equestria. If hatred and fear take hold…
If the empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected across all of Equestria. If hatred and fear take hold…
…Which is why I need you to find a better way to deal with it. (“Empire” is in reference to us Bronies collectively.)